Falalalalala... It is the time for festive baking and I'm coming in strong with a new recipe from Thermomix - Reindeer Cupcakes! Okay, so I have slightly changed their recipe and adapted it to plain ol' vanilla fairy cakes but their own caramel buttercream MAKES this and oh boy are they good!
I used BBC Good Food Easy Fairy Cake Recipe to make the cakes - and it was just that, easy! The ingredients and method are as follows:
110g butter, softened at room temperature
110g caster sugar
2 free-range eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
110g self-raising flour
1-2 tbsp milk
- Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4 and line 2 x 12-hole fairy cake tins with paper cases.
- Cream the butter and sugar together in a bowl until pale. Beat in the eggs, a little at a time, and stir in the vanilla extract.
- Fold in the flour using a large metal spoon. Add a little milk until the mixture is a soft dropping consistency and spoon the mixture into the paper cases until they are half full.
- Bake in the oven for 8-10 minutes, or until golden brown on top and a skewer inserted into one of the cakes comes out clean. Set aside to cool for 10 minutes, then remove from the tin and cool on a wire rack.
For the caramel sauce and the caramel buttercream I used the Reindeer Cupcake recipe from Thermomix:
Caramel Sauce
35 g unsalted butter, diced
65 g dark brown sugar
40 g double cream
¼ tsp fine sea salt
150 g sugar
75 g unsalted butter, diced
- Place butter, sugar, cream and salt in a mixing bowl then cook for 7 mins until the sauce has thickened.
- Transfer to a bowl and set aside to cool completely.
- Once cakes are baked and cooled, mix icing sugar (or make your own in the TM5/6) with the butter, add the reserved caramel sauce then mix until combined.
- Spread tops with buttercream, and insert 1 pretzel half on either side towards the top of each cake for antlers.
- Decorate the face with 2 edible eye decorations and Crispy M&Ms for the nose
Happy baking!