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This October, Temple Spa are back for its annual charity campaign with its REPOSE Relaxing Night Cream. Over the past ten years they have raised over £1.5million for various charities and this October they will be supporting Age UK and Life Support with The Eden Farm Project, two brilliant charities that do vital good both here in the UK and away in Africa for their communities.
For every REPOSE purchased in October, customers will get another one for free and £6 of every sale goes into the pot and will be donated to Age UK and Eden Farm - amazing right?
The Repose Relaxing Night Cream (£40.00) is one of my favourite night creams to use - it's cashmere soft and feels so luxurious on the skin. The Vitamin rich, anti-ageing moisturiser helps to calm, soothe and settle the skin while you sleep.
Rich in natural plant extracts, anti-oxidants and a fusion of relaxing essential oils, it will leave your complexion ultra-smooth, moisturised and settled, whilst working to calm and aid relaxation. It's infused with hops to encourage a restful slumber and help prevent premature ageing by promoting firmer skin plus the subtle fragrant blend of hops valerian, chamomile, frankincense, lavender, patchouli, geranium, bitter orange and clary essential oils are all known to aid deep relaxation and bring a sense of calm.
All this month, your purchase will help the following charities:
Age UK
Age UK is all about bringing cheer and joy to older people who are lonely. For over a million older people, loneliness is a daily reality, 225k older people often go up to a week without speaking to anyone. Loneliness has been linked to depression and leaves people feeling alone, unhappy and unwanted. For those people, a cup of tea and a chat is a lifeline that's bridged by Age UK's Silver Line. They answer 206k calls a year, befriending lonely older people and helping them feel less on their own.
Life Support's Eden Farm Project
What started out as Eden Farm, caring for orphaned and vulnerable children, has developed into a children's village that provides homes for children. There is also Eden School, primary school that provides daily education for over 200 children. Temple Spa have previously raised money for Eden Farm, helping to build a very much needed classroom as well as equipping the site with the materials they would need for the classroom.
If you're looking to add in something luxurious, especially now it's winter - Temple Spa is a great place to start thanks to the skincare help available via the website and the range of products available.
I can't wait to hear what you think when you try the products for yourself.
You can purchase REPOSE direct from templespa.com.