A few years ago, I was chatting on Twitter about Halloween boxes and if they were a thing because I really loved the idea of creating one for Joshua. My idea originally stemmed from Christmas Eve Boxes and so I started researching and didn't find much so I thought I'd just create my own and it was super popular so I've since shared the boxes I've made for him ever since.
For the Halloween box, I've used the same wooden crate I used the first year. I actually use this to store beauty products the rest of the year but it gets rolled out as a Halloween box in October - waste not, want not and all that! I've filled the inside with shred and then with some gifts.
The first year I added in a t-shirt but I've included his Halloween costume for this year which I thrifted on eBay a few weeks ago. Joshua decided he wanted to be a vampire so I kept an eye out, picking up this vampire cape and necktie for £3! I'll go into a dressing up box after Halloween.
For books, I picked up two in Waterstones - I'm a sucker for books and I seemed to have passed that on to Joshua so I know he'll love these.
From Walkers Picture Books, I bought one of the Gustavo, the Shy Ghost - Gustavo is a ghost. He is good at doing all sorts of paranormal things, like walking through walls, making objects fly and glowing in the dark. And he loves playing beautiful music on his violin but he's very shy. It's a wonderful book, beautifully illustrated and I'm so glad I picked it up.
There's also How to Make Friends with a Ghost which is a delightful, sweet friendship book with beautiful, retro-inspired illustrations and plenty of funny little details to find.
They're both really lovely and I can't wait to sit and read them with Joshua.
It wouldn't be a Halloween treat without something sweet to eat so I've included a couple of packets of dairy-free buttons and I have some squishy brains to use for our spooky trail treasure hunt.
Finally, we have a carving kit for when we carve our pumpkins, a pumpkin-shaped bath bomb from The Body Shop, a Halloween torch that projects different shapes onto a wall in the dark and the Halloween special Thomas the Tank magazine that he loves.
I loved piecing the box together and I think it's such a cute way to make Halloween fun for little ones especially as the day gets more popular in the UK.
Let me know if you make your little ones a Halloween box too, I'd love to see what you include in yours too.