It feels weird to still be in this strange Lockdown limbo again - a little part of me did think it may all be over by December and how wrong was I? Now we're tentatively making our way towards indoor dining, soft plays, and seeing more people I'm feeling a little overwhelmed while also trying not to get my hopes up just in case it all goes wrong again. The ups and downs of lockdown eh?
One thing I think we can all agree on is that the last year has taught us a lot - for us especially it was to value the small things, make memories where we can, and make the most of family and friends. Happy moments don't have to be a huge, momentous thing, they can be just about anything - be it a chocolate bar you treated yourself to or a long walk listening to an audiobook.
I've really been trying to do this myself recently and so in the spirit of just that I'm sharing five more happy things.
A New Routine
Things have changed a little at home - Arran is back in the office for the moment after a year of working from home while our son is at pre-school and having this new routine has been much more pleasant than we thought it would be. I won't lie, I was terrified of parenting alone again, worried how J would react to Arran not being there all the time and the house and more falling to me again Monday - Friday but I think it has done us some good. We have more to talk about, we have a stronger routine again and it has been nice to have some "normality". Let's hope the positive feelings around it lasts!
Feeling Movements
The baby bump is all out front and I'm feeling her move so much more already - it has been really lovely. There's nothing more reassuring than finally feeling those flutters especially as both Arran and J have felt her kick now. I'm 24 weeks now so the movements have become much stronger and it's so strange seeing my belly move again.
Flower Power
I decided to renew my Bloom & Wild subscription which means fresh flowers each month and it has been such a perk. There's nothing quite like a fresh bunch of flowers to brighten up a room and with wildflowers, meadow blooms, and peonies galore it has been a pretty colourful few weeks!
You can get £10 off your first order using my referral code* - Alice Bloom & Wild
*I get £10 credit when my code is used
Baby Clothes
I've started sorting through all of J's old baby clothes so we can work out what we need to buy. Thankfully, we don't have much to get at all - we kept practically everything so it is only the odd baby clothing we need as well as some decorative pieces for the nursery. We've picked up a few bits from H&M Home so far and I can't wait to see it all come together.
Family Time
Being able to see family again has made a huge difference to all of us - we're a close family, I talk to my parents every day and J absolutely worships his grandparents so time together is incredibly important to us all. Even just sitting in the garden and sharing a cuppa has been so special - I can't wait for it to just be totally normal to be all together again. I've missed that so much over the last year.