Big life news - we're having another baby!
Last week, we shared on social media we were expecting our second child, a little girl and we're so excited to share the news. I feel as though we've known for an eternity and we've kept the news to ourselves for quite a bit longer this time too.
I'm due in the Summer and just about to hit the halfway mark which seems crazy, it has flown by and I keep saying to Arran can you believe we're halfway already?! Imagine my shock when I have a new baby in my arms in the blink of an eye - haha.
Pregnancy has been different this time around, there's been a lot more nausea, more days where I couldn't get out of bed and more nose bleeds than I can count but I kinda feel as though we're out the other side now. I'm just patiently waiting for that second-trimester glow that everyone says about.
I am not looking forward to spending the hotter months pregnant - I'm pregnant the same months I was with J give or take one or two months and said I'd never do it again but here we are, not with a winter pregnancy but with another summer one. There is just no planning with babies! I'll be seeing out the days in front of a fan with iced drinks to cool me down.
Sorting the house out is all go, go, go as is organising all of J's baby clothes to see what we'll be using this time. Most of his clothes were gender neutral so will be perfect for our new little girlie and they're only in sleepsuits at first anyway - we have plenty of time for frills if we wish.
I'm not sure how much I'll document, I'd like to think I'll share my pregnancy like I did with my first so I have it recorded somewhere but I'm undecided, maybe there will just be the odd post here and there. Sometimes it is nice to get those feelings out somewhere, especially as the reality of having two children becomes more prominent.
For the moment, we're plodding along quite happily, enjoying our time as a three and getting ready for our new arrival.