Ah Spring... it's almost time for nature to awaken around us again as the first buds of cherry blossom appear, the sun starts to show its face again and the evenings get lighter and I for one cannot wait.
I have found winter exceptionally hard this year - I've mentioned before how I suffer from a touch of S.A.D but that paired with constant grey skies and lockdown for what feels like months again really knocked me down. I feel like I am coming out the other side at the moment and as we've been blessed with a few days of sunshine and blue skies, I'm getting more and more excited about spring.
In the spirit of celebrating the little things, I've put together eight things to look forward to this spring, regardless of the country still slowly opening back up again - if we've learnt anything this year, it's that the most special moments really are the little things in life.
1. The weather getting better is sure to bring music to anyone's ears - especially after the winter we've just had. I felt so jubilant at that first blue sky of the year and as I write this the sun is streaming through the windows - spring for the most sees the perfect temperates, not too hot, not too cold and light jacket weather really is the best.
2. Spring means lighter evenings and that is certainly something I can get on board with. There was nothing worse in the winter than Arran and I finishing work and it being cold and dark so a walk with the little one was out of the question.
3. Nature really makes itself known at this time of year - the leaves start to grow, flowers are budding and you'll soon hear the sweet chirping of birds. I can't help but wake with a smile on my face.
4. Our daily walks have saved our sanity over the last year but as it became colder, we definitely stayed in more and more so just having that motivation to get outside again will make such a difference. To be honest, I think just getting outside for anything will make a difference - walks, picnics, adventures and I really can't wait for a stroll along the shore with the sun beaming down.
5. When it comes to my baking, I tend to stick to seasonal recipes so with the new season on the horizon I can't wait to try my hand at Strawberry Tarts, Light Sugarsnap Biscuits and deliciously fruity cakes. I might even have a bit more practise at buttercream icing and make some bunny cupcakes.
6. I've touched on flowers beginning to bud but I feel as though they definitely need their own spot. I don't know about you but flowers just put the biggest smile on my face and they're something I've ordered consistently throughout lockdown. I can't wait to see the blossom, wisteria and daffodils popping up everywhere soon.
7. I had to slip Easter in there somewhere - it's the ideal time to spend quality time with family and friends, enjoy plenty of Easter Eggs and of course a Lindt bunny or two. The big question is deciding on what egg to buy this year - the choice is even bigger than usual!
8. Finally, we're happier - exposure to sunlight increases the hormone serotine in our brains, which make us feel happy and that is a good enough reason in itself.
What are you looking forward to the most?