And just like that October is over and with it, my latest collection of books is here. With our internet being disconnected before moving and being without Netflix I had a lot of time to read so I have well and truly found my groove again.
We're still staying home a lot at the moment - we've ventured out a little more than we have been and it's been nice but I'm not quite ready to let go of our time at home as a family, it has been so valuable to us all.
I managed to get through eleven books throughout October and chose some good'uns because I don't think there was any I didn't enjoy even though I wasn't a fan of one ending - I'm going to share six of those within this post. As always, I keep everything I've read on my Books 2020 highlight on my Instagram so if you're looking for any more recommendations - be sure to look there too.
The Woman Who Wanted More by Vicky Zimmerman
I wanted a light read for night time and the cover totally drew me in - a yellow and white iced biscuit! I read it on Kindle so unfortunately don't have it to hand to show but sometimes judging a book by its cover works out. It was a super delightful read, sure it took me a while to get into it and it was a bit too long but it was absolutely worth it in the end, especially once you get to the author's notes. It's a great book about unlikely friendships and the trials and tribulations of life, going out of your comfort zones and making yourself a priority. A lot easier said than done but the friendship between Cicely and Kate was so cute and progressed naturally. The end was predictable but had a pleasant surprise. Really loved it.
One in a Million by Lindsey Kelk
At first, I thought this was going to be your typical love-hate romantic comedy but it's a touch more than that. Kelk is brilliant at enticing you into her books and taking you along for a hilarious read. The book had humour, romance and a leading man that reminded me of Ross Gellar from Friends with fewer Dinosaur bones and more cute cats.
It's very modern-day My Fair Lady - Annie is super likeable and very well written and I loved the way Dr Samual Page was captured throughout the book. It would make a really great film!
Nothing Like I Imagined Series by Mindy Kaling
The Nothing Like I Imagined Series is built up of six short essays by Mindy Kaling - each discussing a different part of her life from finding Hinduism and battling social anxiety at A-List parties. Each 'book' is around 25-30 pages and they're hilarious! I came across them after working with Amazon Publishing on some promotional content for the shorts and then promptly read them all and fell about laughing.
They're funny, relatable and full of little snippets of Hollywood life! They're also free on Kindle Unlimited so if you want something light and easy to dip into then these are perfect!
Big Shot and Kind Of Hindu are fab!
This Time Next Year by Sophie Cousens
Chick lit has been my go-to in recent weeks because it's light and fun which is what I've needed. I came across This Time Next Year on Kindle and quickly downloaded it and I'm so glad I did - it's such a cute and loveable read. When Minnie meets Quinn at a NYE party, it's clear that they have nothing in common, except for the strange fact of their being born in the same place at the same time on New Year's Eve - this follows a year from that first meeting the morning after their birthdays and how their lives are more entwined than they realised.
What I enjoyed the most was the characters, and not just a few of them but ALL of them! Every single character leaves some kind of mark. They were quirky, selfish, argumentative, eccentric, and they were never boring. They were distinguished and great parts to the already great story-line. Their dialogue never dragged and it was the perfect mixture of seriousness and humour. I loved every moment of it, just like I knew I would. You should absolutely snap this up!
Queen Bee by Jane Fallon
I'm a huge Jane Fallon fan, my friend and I have been passing her books back and forth over the last year and Queen Bee was the final one I had to read. I adore Fallon's work - they're great as a book club suggestion and I always sink my teeth in and finish the book within 24 hours and this was no different.
Witty and sassy escapism is Jane Fallon’s strong suit and she always delivers a relatable and believable protagonist that readers can get behind and forty-two-year-old Laura Martin was no different but and it's not a big but, I just didn't love this one by the end. There was so much build-up, so much character development but the end just fell flat and I was mega disappointed. Jane Fallon is a brilliant author but this isn't her best - start with Tell Me a Secret if you're still intrigued by her work.
The Love Square by Laura Jane Williams
As someone who really didn't enjoy Our Stop, I'm not sure what made me download this to read - I think it was because I was looking for chick lit and this fitted and to be completely honest, this is better. The main character is a chef named Penny, a really interesting character and I found myself connecting with her from the beginning. She has battled cancer, is rather unlucky in love and is working out what she wants from life. Things get complicated and she has to leave her life in London to help out her uncle. I found seeing Penny go through different stages of discovery about herself and others and how she reacted to change was interesting - it made me warm to her even more.
The ending is highly predictable from the beginning of the book BUT the story to get there is worth it. A really great read that will be perfect for the colder evenings when you want to curl up with a brew.
What have you been reading recently?