A month or so ago he went back to preschool for the first time since lockdown ended. We started him a little earlier than most at the beginning of this year and we had just found our rhythm with it when it was time to pull him out in March. It took a lot longer than I thought it would for us both to settle into the preschool routine so I was so nervous for him restarting in September. Turns out I had nothing to worry about as he ran in and had the best time. He came on in leaps and bounds during lockdown and that's only become more apparent since he returned.

He turns three in a few days and I still can't quite believe he's been in our lives that long already - it's strange to think this time three years ago I was very pregnant and getting ready to be induced. I still find the days leading up to the date very hard - one day I'll seek therapy but until then I cope in my own way. Most importantly is that that date signifies Joshua coming into our lives, our darling little boy.
On the 17th October, he will turn three - it hardly seems real at times!
I can't even begin to explain how much he has changed in recent months - we were worried that lockdown would have an impact on him, he's super sociable, loves his friends and worships his grandparents who he sees almost daily so to have that taken away all of a sudden really had us worried. We needn't have worried though as he's thrived in the last six months - he's doing so much more, seems so grown up all of a sudden and would chat all day long if he could and you know what? It's been so lovely.
This has been the longest amount of time we've all spent together as a family since Arran's paternity and it's honestly been the best thing to have happened to us as a family. Having no choice but to slow down has meant we've spent valuable time together cooking, exploring, napping, laughing and just making incredible memories - I keep meaning to print a load of the photos we've taken throughout to create a memory book.

I'm grateful that despite Arran and I working throughout, we've had such a wonderful time together especially as we begin to reach a little bit of normality again with early mornings, preschool drop-offs and all the bits in between.
This week has been full of making sure all the final bits are ready for his birthday this weekend, wrapping presents and deciding what cake to make. My plan was a rainbow extravaganza but apparently, he wants chocolate so I'm going to have to re-think that or do both, one in fairy cake form!
Most of all, I just can't wait to see his face on the morning of his birthday - he's so much more aware this year and with a topsy turvy year I want it to be so special.
He's grown into the most wonderful little person, our squidge, our monkey moo, our little Joshua.