Last year, I was chatting on Twitter about Halloween boxes and if they were a thing because I really loved the idea of creating one for Joshua. My idea originally stemmed from Christmas Eve Boxes and so I started researching and didn't find much so I thought I'd just create my own and it was super popular so I thought I would share his box for this year too.
Joshua is too young for trick or treating and buckets full of sweets so a Halloween Box was the perfect alternative for our little ghoul and to help make things a little spooky. With trick or treating being out for some many this year due to the pandemic, it's also the perfect way to celebrate at home - we're having a little Halloween party too!
For the Halloween box, I've used a black tin that was sent by Sainsbury's with some goodies inside - ideal for recycling and reusing. I've filled the inside with black shred and filled with gifts. It's the perfect size for bobbing apples or some Halloween games on the day too.
Last year I added in a t-shirt but I've included his Halloween costume for this year which I bought from Sainsbury's. It's a pumpkin outfit that comes with leggings and a little hat! Hopefully, he'll love it because I think he'll look super cute.
I've placed his skeleton treat bag inside too as I'm gonna set up a spooky treasure hunt at home.
For books, I picked up two in Waterstones - I'm a sucker for books and I seemed to have passed that on to Joshua so I know he'll love these.
From Usborne Books, I bought one of the Little Peep Through Books - Are You There Little Bat? which is a beautifully illustrated book which allows children to peep through the holes to find the elusive bat! It has finger trails to touch and details to talk about with lots of surprises along the way.
There's also Ollie's Lost Kitten which is an Autumnal Halloween adventure filled with pumpkins, black cats and witches! It has the most gorgeous illustrations with cut-outs and foil allowing children to explore the textures and shapes.
They're both really lovely and I can't wait to sit and read them with Joshua.
It wouldn't be a Halloween treat without something sweet to eat so I've included a couple of packets of dairy-free buttons and I have some squishy brains to use for our spooky trail treasure hunt.
Finally, we have a carving kit for when we carve our pumpkin this week and some spooky stickers to add to our smaller ones. It's the first year we're carving together as he was a little too young last year but I just know he's going to love the mess and scooping out the insides - us not so much!
I loved piecing the box together and I think it's such a cute way to make Halloween fun for little ones especially as the day gets more popular in the UK.
Let me know if you make your little ones a Halloween box too, I'd love to see what you include in yours too.