I'm a firm believer of never having enough neutral eye palettes so I was more than happy with Seventeen's latest release, Easy on the Eye in Birthday Suit. The Easy on the Eye palettes are a collection of eight matte, pearl and shimmer powder shadows, three metallic creams and an eye primer, plus a handy 'get the look' guide so you can achieve the perfect neutral eye. The palette also comes with a double ended brush which is actually pretty good. I was so glad that there wasn't a double ended sponge applicator in this. Now if every other make up company on the high street could follow suit that would be fab.
Birthday Suit comes in a matte black snap clasp palette which is wipe clean, slim and really easy to store. All the shade names are listed on the back which I like, I'm not a fan of shades just being labelled as one, two, three and so on. The palette isn't overly pretty but because the shadows inside are such fab quality, I don't care too much about the look of the palette.
The shimmer and pearl shadows are the main talking point in this palette. They're super soft, highly pigmented and blend so easily. They also last all day with and without the primer. Baked Chestnut, Toasted Almond and Warm Mink are probably my three favourite shades out of the whole palette. The contrast of each shade blended together give the perfect smoky, neutral eye and I've been wearing it practically everyday.
The matte shadows aren't my favourite and probably the only thing about Birthday Suit that is disappointing. There is just nothing to Warm Ivory and Cool Rose, they look great in the pan but not on the skin. I don't tend to use metallic creams as I don't get on with them very well but to have them in this handy little palette is great as it gives me a chance to have a play around with shades.
Even though I'm only really using half of what is on offer in this palette, I still love it. It sounds ridiculous as I have so many neutral eye palettes but Birthday Suit brings something a little different to the table because it has a bit of everything. There is also a smoky equivalent available called The Big Smoke which brings you a beautiful set of blues, greys and purples. The Easy on the Eye palettes are both £7.99 and available from Boots. You can buy both and still have change from £20, fab make up deal if you ask me!
Have you tried either of the Easy on the Eye palettes? Would you prefer Neutral or Smoky?