2. My beautiful cat Tigger was sadly put to sleep on the 4th August. I'm still completely heartbroken and a bit anti-cat at the moment because of it.
3. Arran took me to Brighton for the day as I had never been before. We were so lucky with the weather and had such a fabulous day which you can read about in my Brighton post.
4. On our week off we spent a lot of time in a new coffee house in Southampton called Mettricks. We just ate cake and drunk coffee for a week. Awesome cake too!
5. The beautiful Daisy Dream featured on Annie Writes Beauty this month, who knew describing a perfume was so difficult! The most gorgeous bottle I've ever seen and it has a firm place on my dressing table!
6. Arran and I had a little date night to the cinema. We went and saw The Inbetweeners 2 which was so funny and we thought it was much better than the first!
7. I did my first fashion post on a recent Topshop and River Island haul, I had some lovely comments and I'm going to post some more fashion posts in the future.
8. I ate some more cake. This time it was Vegan and Gluten Free at the Lush event! That's my happy cupcake face. I was also having a good make up day.
9. I went to the Lush Southampton Event with Amy, Karis & Jessica where we made face masks, ate cupcakes, drank champagne and made new blogging friends. Plus we received a pretty awesome goody bag and finished the evening off with cocktails.