I first saw Sakura in the most recent Lush catalogue I picked up on one of my many 'mini hauls'. It's inspired by the Cherry Blossom in Japan and is so pretty, a pale pink bath ballistic with specks of pink, peach and blue. One end has small green salts that break off and scatter in the bath when dropped into hot water.
Sakura contains calming mimosa and jasmine oils as well as lemon oil and orange flower. The smell is amazing and so strong that I can still smell hints of it in my bathroom two days after I used it. However strong it is, it's not overpowering which is perfect for me as it meant I could just lay back and relax instead of getting a fragrance induced headache.
Once dropped into water it fizzes quite quickly and leaves the water a soft pink colour, nothing overly special but the smell and how soft it made my skin more than makes up for the lack of colour. This was first released back in 2006 and I'm so glad it has been brought back. I'm going back into Lush in Southampton on Thursday to pick up some more. I'm usually a bubble bar fan but I couldn't resist this one as it's so pretty.
Have you picked up anything new from Lush recently? I'd love some more recommendations.